Summit Real Estate was delighted to be able to help out on Saturday with the Mitre10 Mega Helicopter House auction that sold under the hammer for $276,000.
We are excited to announce the winner of our second round of 'Strive to Thrive' $500 sponsorship!Congratulations to our winner Molly Stanton who won $500 towards her travel to the...
Summit was delighted to be able to help out the TS Talisman Sea Cadets with a sponsorship donation as they took on the trip from New Zealand to Fiji this...
It is time again for Summit Property Management to help Kiwi kids in the Nelson and Marlborough region thrive, fulfil their dreams and take part in the things they are...
Helicopter House charity auction!
Summit have joined forces with Certified Builders Nelson and Mitre10 Mega to build a brand new home and auction it off for charity!
The Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter...
Summit Conference and Annual Awards
Summit’s Annual Awards and Conference packed extra punch last week as respected real estate industry expert Wendy Alexander attended both events.
Meth contamination - Bill introduced to parliament
Friday 23 June 2017
The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill (No 2) has been introduced to Parliament recently to address three main issues. One of those issues is of high public interest, methamphetamine contamination.
Investment property owners, if you are currently managing your own property, then listen up!
Property management is not something that comes easily and naturally for many people.